Founded in 2016, Rising Arts Agency is a powerful, collaborative community of artists and creatives who have come together to create social change. Rising provides care centred creative services to people and organisations who are open to change. They enable their clients and partners to feel energised and ambitious about change making. Their services include consultancy, training, creative commissions, creative recruitment, talks and workshops.
One of the Good Employment Charter team caught up with them about their experience and successes as a member of the Good Employment Charter.
How did you hear about the Charter and why did you take the step to become a full Member? What was your experience of the process to becoming a Member?
After attending one of the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority’s events, we discovered the Good Employment Charter. We recognised that we already met a lot of the criteria to become a Charter Member and saw this as a great opportunity to further show our commitment to our values and our workforce.
Becoming a Member allowed us to both demonstrate the excellence of our existing practices and through the application process consider how we could even further enhance what we were already doing to support our workforce.
The Charter team were really helpful throughout the entire process and open to feedback on how it could be improved. It felt very much like we were a partnership working towards the same goal of improving employment practices in the region.
How did you hear about the Charter and why did you take the step to become a full Member? What was your experience of the process to becoming a Member?
As one of the inaugural members of the Good Employment Charter, we are taking the lead in championing improved working practices in the region. We want to see the region transformed into a thriving and stable work environment for all its residents. Becoming a member of the Charter will enable us to continue developing and improving our internal working practices.
We will benefit from collaborations within a network of organisations with similar values. Most of all this prestigious award from the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority will bring greater visibility to our work.
We will also be able to strengthen our position as thought leaders within the sector with added credibility to continually advocate for improved employment practice.
What would you say to organisations who are thinking about joining as a Supporter or potentially an accredited Member?
Undertaking the process of becoming a Member was incredibly insightful to us. It gave us an opportunity to showcase all the work we’re doing and we’re incredibly proud of that. The Good Employment Charter will also open doors to more businesses across the region, and access contacts from a diverse range of sectors, helping us expand our impact.
There are a multitude of benefits that companies from all sectors can enjoy by signing up to the Good Employment Charter and working in partnership with the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority.