Explore our full library of resources, toolkits and information to help you implement good employment practices against the Health & Wellbeing pledge.
The Thrive at Work programme supports business leaders with the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce.
We have a variety of easy access tools and resources to help you apply best practice. We can also support you with the Mental Health at Work Commitment and Mental Health Work Standards.
Guidance on embracing neurodiversity, fostering inclusive conversations, managing performance sensitively, and creating a neuroinclusive workplace culture
This guide contains information, practical advice and conversation checklists for managers to better support those experiencing stress and mental health issues.
Excellect are an independent whole of market insurance broker specialising in employee benefits. They help SME businesses attract the talent they need to grow and succeed. By offering a competitive employee benefits package they can also motivate and retain quality employees.
A fully funded programme that provides SMEs across the region with expert HR advice and guidance.
The HR Dept Bristol, Bath and North Somerset provides businesses with tailored and personal outsourced HR and Health and Safety services.
Barclay's Mindful Business Charter is a practical framework that encourages us to be more thoughtful about the impact we have on each other.
Health@Work's Workplace Wellbeing Charter provides a national accreditation for organisations who are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of their workforce.
As a part of Devon Partnership NHS Trust, MINDFUL EMPLOYER's charter for ‘Employers Positive about Mental Health’ is about recognising those employers who are working towards better mental health in the workplace, no matter where they are in their journey.
The CMHA is a not-for-profit membership organisation. An alliance of businesses working together with mental health experts and partner organisations to support workplaces to protect, support and create positive mental health for their people.
Compassionate Employers is a workplace support programme from Hospice UK that upskills employees through training, advice and resources to ensure they are confident and capable to support themselves and others.
The TUC and others have produced good guidance to deal with cases of long-term illness, or returning to work for those who are disabled as a result of an illness or injury.
Make the Mental Health at Work Commitment. Access a simple framework to support your employees, helping you make a long-term impact on your staff's wellbeing.
Discover skills, training and career support in the West of England to help you get to where you want to be.
Poverty affects people differently, and it’s not always easy for employers to spot. CIPD have teamed up with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to raise awareness of in-work poverty and encourage employers to help loosen poverty’s grip.
NICE's quality standard 'Healthy workplaces: improving employee mental and physical health and wellbeing' covers the health and wellbeing of all employees, including their mental health.
Based on extensive research into the highest performing workplaces, and with the support of the Department of Health, the Health and Wellbeing Good Practice Award is a framework that will help organisations develop further and celebrate achievements around this important workplace issue.
Business West offer support on how to help your employees return to work after sickness.
Stonewall offer advice and guidance on creating LGBTQ-inclusive workplaces. Their specialist support can help transform your work environment into a place where every employee thrives.
Stribe offers guidance and practical tips on making mental health conversations as easy as possible for your business.
Listen to Stribe's webinar and gain insight on successes and learnings from wellbeing experts experiences; from how to create a strategy with a limited budget to getting employee buy-in.
Business West offers a toolkit and easy methodology designed to guide businesses in taking a more strategic approach to supporting charities.
Delivered by the West of England Combined Authority in partnership with local councils, Thrive at Work supports business leaders with the mental health and wellbeing of their workforce. It provides interactive tools and training resources to help you embed good mental health practice.
Business in the Community's (BITC) Responsible Business Map guides continuous improvement, working across the whole responsible business agenda.
Mind offer a variety of downloadable resources to help you improve mental wellbeing in your workplace.
Challenge misconceptions, start conversations and change attitudes around mental health with these materials for your workplace.
Women over the age of 50 are the fastest growing segment of the workforce, and most will go through the menopause transition during their working lives. CIPD report that for every ten women experiencing menopausal symptoms, six say it has a negative impact on their work. With the right support, there’s no need for women to press pause on their career during this natural transition.
CIPD offer resources and guidance to help support employees managing menopausal symptoms.
Watch CIPD's webinar to unpack how professionals and line managers can better support colleagues going through the menopause.
Almost 900,000 women in the UK have quit their jobs due to the menopause. Make a difference by signing up to Wellbeing of Women's Menopause Workplace Pledge today and commit to making your organisation a supportive and understanding place for employees going through the menopause.
BBFA is a partnership between business and regulators promoting business growth and compliance. They offer a plethora of support to help you meet the Health & Wellbeing criteria.